Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal
Pair of chair 1970s steel and painted metal

Para krzeseł z lat 70-tych, Design.

Para krzeseł z lat 70-tych, wzór.

wys: 79cm, szer: 50cm, gł: 41cm.

Obecnie brak na stanie
0,00 €

Transport Gratuat Francja i wściekły Monde kontaktez-nous


Para krzeseł z lat 70-tych, wzór.

wys: 79cm, szer: 50cm, gł: 41cm.

55.Wzornictwo lat 50-tych - 60-tych
Vintage & Współczesne wzornictwo
20.xX w

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